The one who will bring life to the sport itself

by - 11/19/2009 10:32:00 p.m.

Kimi will bring the whole rally sport back to life

According to Waldegård Räikkönen will effectively crush the prejudice that thinks F1 would be something bigger than rally in motorsport glory.

– Rally is a fantastic part of motorsport. And now that Kimi Räikkönen is coming to race in Sweden it is something much more better, he says.

According to Waldegård Räikkönen's participation will bring the whole rally sport back to life, which according to him is in a pretty bad shape today.

– A lot has to do with the lack of competition which again has to do with Marcus Grönholm quitting a few years ago. But he also loves Sweden's Rally and will drive there with Räikkönen, Waldegård says.

– It's completely fantastic that two Finnish motorsportmen - I hope you forgive my expression - love Sweden in this case almost more than Finland, Björn Waldegård says. 

source:KR forum

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