
Kimi Japan review and Korean preview

by - 11/10/2012 02:48:00 p.m.

Eight Days A Week

It's a busy time to be a Grand Prix driver; two races in eight days. We just finished the very tricky weekend in Japan and are now preparing ourselves for a brand new challenge of the Korean Grand Prix.

As I said before going to Japan, whatever we achieved in Suzuka before, doesn¹t help us this time. Unfortunately that¹s how it was.

We had to work really hard to get something out of the Japanese Grand Prix. It all went wrong on Friday. We lost most of the track time to get set-up work done in a right and preplanned way. After some major changes for Saturday, we found the speed in the qualifying, but then I pushed a little bit too hard in the last flying lap, missed it in the Spoon Curve, and lost a starting position in the second row of the grid.

The race was one of the most difficult ones during this season. Suzuka is a narrow circuit and if you miss the speed, there is nothing else to do, but look at the mirrors and try to defend your position to take home some points.

Well, we managed to get P6 and eight points again, like in Singapore. Vettel had the speed of his own and he got close to Alonso in the championship, so there are now two people, we have to beat in next few races to get closer to the top.

I've never visited Korea before. I¹ve seen a Korean Grand Prix only on TV, so there is more than usual to do, to get the understanding, how the car goes there.

We will have some interesting upgrades. I wish the best from them. Hopefully they work well and we have a nice and clean practise to test them enough.

As always it¹s interesting to go and have a race in a new circuit. You never know beforehand, what will happen, but I have a good feeling, it should not be that bad for our team. Let's wait and see, what is the speed of the car for the Korean Grand Prix.


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