
Knocking the Champ

by - 3/23/2012 02:11:00 p.m.

World Champions Sebastian Vettel and Kimi Raikkonen are friends who are known to enjoy each others' company.

On Wednesday in Kuala Lumpur the F1 stars had their first badminton game in two years and Raikkonen once again kept his clean streak of wins over Vettel unbroken.

Vettel's new personal trainer though managed to beat Kimi 3-2 but the ex-hockey player apparently has a real badminton background as well.

On Saturday Vettel suffered an even more bitter defeat in qualifying when Raikkonen with his Lotus managed to beat his Red Bull by 0,173 seconds.

http://www.ts.fi/moottoriurheilu/kolumn ... ria+pataan

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