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by - 2/12/2012 08:50:00 p.m.

Seiska asked Kimi 77 questions in his home in Porkkalanniemi.

Are you nervous when going back to F1?

- Not at all. I wouldn't had come back if I wouldn't have liked to. I'm sure it's going to be fun this season.

What kind of chances of success do you think Lotus has this season?

- It's difficult to say, nobody knows yet. We will see after the first tests where we are going.

Do you have hunger for another WDC?

- Yes. You always have that as a goal. I will try a lot, lets see if that's enough or not.

You have said that Lotus has a homey atmosphere compared to your earlier teams, how do you see the difference?

- Each team has always been different. Lotus has however a different kind of management. They are younger and racing-spirited and not any uptight people.

Is Sebastian Vettel your best buddy in F1?

- Yes, I know him best and have spent most of time with him than with any other drivers.

Do you have any enemy or someone you can't stand there?

- No I haven't but it's difficult to say what other people think.

Have you already met your team mate Romain Grosjean? Is he a good guy?

- I have met him and he is a nice normal guy.

Where do you see yourself after ten years?

- Difficult to say but hopefully everything is still okay.

What plans do you have for your life after F1?

- No plans. I have never have any terribly long plans.

In how good physical shape are you?

- I guess in the same shape as before. I know pretty well in which shape one has to be.

They operated your wrist after the recent motorsledge-race. Has it healed well?

- Yeah. It's now completely okay.

They often talk about your money in public. You have a fortune of over 100 million euros. What does money mean to you?

- I guess it means the same as it means to other people too. I get a certain amount of money for the job that I do. Some think it's right, some think it's wrong. I myself have however made all the work so it doesn't make me ashamed at all. Money makes some things easier but it really doesn't solve everything in life.

Has the big fortune made you out of touch with reality or do you even think about monetary matters?

- *laughing* Definitely not! I'm just the same as I was before. It makes some things easier but it also brings a lot of negative things along.

Do you pay your bills yourself or do you use an internet-bank for example?

- No I don't. My mom takes care of quite many of my things.

How much money will you get for your next season in Lotus?

- I get something.

How have you invested your money?
- Well I have a few apartments and something like that... You have to live somewhere.

They have thought in public that you are part-owner in Lotus, is that true?

- No it's not.

Would you like to own your own F1-team someday?

- I don't have the passion for it. In the end it's quite cruel business.

Have you ever donated a lot of money to charity?

- I have done that every now and then. At the moment I have this small thing going on with SOS Children's Village.

What is your biggest win in poker?

- In poker? It can't have been any big sum at least! I have sometimes played poker with my buddies but never been to a casino.

Then what is your biggest loss in poker?

- I doesn't come to my mind right now, but usually I lose rather than win.

Do you play other gambling games?

- I guess I have sometimes played some pajazzo etc. if they are seen as gambling games, but nothing more.

They say that you are genuinely a laidback guy and don't look like you would be nervous of any racing situations. What kind of situations make you nervous?

- Hard to say. Sometimes normal things can make me nervous. It depends on the place but I am also nervous about races.

What kind of things are you afraid of?

- There are no things that I would be afraid of. I don't have fear for high places or things like that.

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