Brothers !?

by - 11/23/2009 10:49:00 p.m.


So what is this Kimi Raikkonen like - according to his parents?

– He is gutsy and terribly stubborn but also very sensitive, mother says.

– It think that Kimi has grown all the time along with his career. Of course he has taken fucking big steps during the last days but I have never been worried about the boy's head, father says.

– Kimi isn't more mature than others his age. When he has time his friends come over and they go to sauna according to the long schedule and go to a disco after that. He has a girlfriend and things like that, he is an ordinary boy, mother says.

The girlfriend is cute and wonderful but she doesn't want to be in the spotlight.

– Kimi has lived in Holland and England, of course that helps to grow up and become independent, father thinks.

– The brothers are like night and day. Rampe was something like seven when we said that he is the smartest person in our family. Rami always thinks first before acting, Kimi is the complete opposite, does first and figures out afterwards what he went and did, father laughs.

Mother calls the firstborn a diplomat.

– Rami started driving a motorbike when he was 3,5 years old. You couldn't give Kimi one until he was 5. Kimi's nature is of the kind that you go always flat out, Matti describes.

– They drove karting together. Rami was softer, you can see his goodness best when you drive against time or against your own best performance. He is much more softer than Kimi as a driver. You have to be more aggressive and rude on the track. It was clear ever since they were small that they both drive in their own style. They didn't want to learn from each other - not even if we tried. They both thought that the other one had no hands - therefore you can't learn anything from him, father tells.

He regrets a little of his scetching and says that you can't compare your two boys, both are equally dear.

But you can read between the lines that Rami is better off in rally where he can drive alone, Kimi again is better on a track where he can squeeze in, ambush, overtake, go flat out, put others in line without endangering anyone.

– The boys were always together ever since they were small. I almost cried when I looked at albums and saw that in every picture there was two boys. The other one was alone in only a few pictures, they were always together and did everything together, Paula says.

– Of course they had fights, you polish one another through them. But the relationship and the foundation is there even though they wouldn't see each other that often, she continues. 

source: KR Forum

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