

by - 10/09/2009 12:58:00 a.m.

O tempora, o mores – oh times, oh manners - they said already back in the ancient Rome ever since the days of Cicero. By that latin saying they dawdled about the plotting that went on behind the scenes. And you can't avoid but to think the same from a Finnish F1-follower's point of view.

In Nurnburgring I asked team principal Stefano Domencali face to face with my tape recorder what to think about the rumours getting stronger and stronger of Alonso taking Kimi's place already next season.

– Believe the team, not the rumours, Domenicali assured me. It was easy to believe it too because Domenicali has been Kimi's best supporter in Ferrari.

But now Räikkönen will have to leave Ferrari although he has a contract. It feels like the sponsor Santander's word is automatically the law in Maranello just like in Ceasar's time in Rome.

By waiting for one year Ferrari would have got rid of Räikkönen for free. Now it's going to cost really much.

O tempora, o mores hurts badly when all F1-teams should do their everything to make huge cuts in their budgets. During the summer it looked obvious that next season would have the 40 million pounds budget cap in F1.

Ferrari and Santander seems to have their completely own interpretation of this. Instead of the budget roof they put their costs up to the roof. Luca di Montezemolo will have great difficulties to present himself in a credible manner as FOTA's credible leader who says he will do his best so that the costs would be cut after this.

Ferrari invested strongly in Kimi's Iceman-status but when they found out that the Iceman really is frozen to the core when it comes to showing himself they had to get rid of him when they were offered the Santander-deal for 5 years if they would take Alonso.

Kimi's place will be taken by a real volcano that will erupt easily if things don't got the way the Spanish star wants.

After three years without winning a championship Alonso will be very motivated to do the same Schumacher did and also win the championship in another team.

But it's also sure that McLaren will get the most motivated top driver from the whole WC-serie from Räikkönen who will be especially motivated to beat especially Ferrari - and with a mega salary paid by Ferrari.

Singapore/Heikki Kulta

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