

by - 7/02/2009 10:25:00 p.m.

The Formula 1 -season ended last weekend but the driver's work continues with media and sponsors. Ferrari's publicist Luca Colajanni is satisfied with the work Kimi Räikkönen does outside the GP's.
- Kimi is extremely professional. He always obeys the schedules set with the media and the sponsors, Colajanni said to MTV3.

Espacially in Italy they have wondered about Kimi's taciturn.
- It is true that he isn't the most voluble guy in the world. It has good sides too. When he has got something to say, he says it and doesn't play with words. I like working with Kimi. He is a nice guy, Colajanni said.

Kimi's racing performances were often criticised in the Italian press. This didn't come as a surprise to Ferrari.
- This season was really difficult for him and the ciriticism only grew bigger. We could expect it because it has always been like this, Colajanni said.

Ferrari's publicist spoke really highly of Kimi's honesty and genuinity.
- The picture you get from Kimi is real. He doesn't act. He doesn't pull a special act for the media or when he is friendly to people. Even though he would be in a bad mood he would act professionally. There is nothing to improve, Colajanni assured.

[from last year; posted by Nicole]

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