

by - 3/21/2009 10:29:00 p.m.

What three words would you use to describe what it's like to be a Formula One driver?

Fast, adrenalin, funny.

What is the biggest perk of the job?

No comment.

How would you like to be remembered as an F1 driver?

As someone who gave his best.

What is your most embarrassing sporting moment?

If there was one, I have forgotten it!

Who is the worst dressed Formula One driver?

I have never done a ranking…

Ayrton Senna or Alain Prost?


Spa or Monaco?


If you weren't an F1 driver what would you be?

Someone who deals with motors, anyway.

Who is the greatest sportsman of all time?

Good question… there are so many…

What would be your perfect day off?

Relaxing and chilling out with my friends and family.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?

We spend the year travelling all over the world so on holiday all that I want is staying at home.

Apart from a house what is the most expensive thing you own?

A boat.

What is your favourite item of clothing?

Jeans? Nothing really special.

What is your favourite music to drive to?

I like a lot of types of music, nothing specific for driving.

Which famous person - dead or alive - would you like to have dinner with and why?

No one: I do not have any idol.

Tell us something about yourself that most F1 fans might not know

You should ask them… I am a very simple person so no secrets behind my face.

Steve McQueen or Paul Newman?

Steve McQueen.

Boxers or briefs?


Angelina Jolie or Keira Knightley?

Angelina Jolie.

James Bond or Austin Powers?

James Bond.


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