
Kimi's Quotes

by - 2/25/2009 09:38:00 p.m.

Kimi was asked what the Spanish king Juan Carlos said to him on the podium (8.5.2008)
"He said that I drove well. Nice king.

Räikkönen slept in a hotel room next to Alonso's room near Hockenheim (24.7.2005)
"If I can't fall asleep, I will certainly wake Alonso"

Mika Häkkinen said that Räikkönen should have staid at McLaren and not go to Ferrari, Räikkönen replied (21.10.2006):
"Has he been a little mixed up when saying like that? A proper wise guy. I'm just wondering here very openly that if any f1 driver - including Mika - would be offered a deal in Ferrari, I bet every dude would go there quicker than a missile."

Räikkönen (2006)
"I read somewhere, that I drive with drunkard's luck."

Lewis Hamilton said that winning his first race felt better than having sex. Kimi said (7.9.2007):
"Maybe he has never had sex."

Räikkönen after qualification in Hockenheim (20.7.2008)
Interviewer: How did the tires feel like?
"Rolled as usual"

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